Rocks of Inspiration by M. G. Katusabe – Ssemwezi, is a rich book; a must read for there is something in the book for everyone to learn and emulate the life experiences of the characters in the book. The characters are real people for this is not fiction.
The main character is an exemplary teacher, Matayo Katagira, who was a headmaster, parent and husband. He demonstrated great leadership and true professionalism in his work. In his private life he excelled in the way he brought up his children with love and friendship yet he was a respected disciplinarian. Those who worked with him, those he taught and his close associates all testify to this and affirm his contribution to education in his community.

Rocks Of Inspiration and Kindness
The book explores the traditional life and the new developments in society especially education. The education systems were still rudimentary during the colonial days and yet an illiterate man and his family struggled to educate their son, Katagira. He would travel through a hazardous terrain infested with wild animals but he overcame such challenges and completed school and became a teacher. He too lived through various struggles as a parent, teacher, headmaster and was devoted to social and economic development of his community. He made his wife and children his best friends. And so were his students.
In a nutshell, the book demonstrates good parenting, the value of hard work, the value of a family in society and how children and parents should relate to each other. It demonstrates creativity that is desirable in a teacher, good relationship of husband and wife, the extended family and the community in which one lives.

Rocks Of Inspiration and Kindness and Love
What some distinguished readers say about the book:
“This book is an illuminating journey of family life that has enviable integral development of its members. Any one reading this book will find abundant lessons on family life, social life, community life, political affairs, religious studies, education, … I am truly inspired …I have no doubt that people of all ages will find it truly fascinating” Prof Michael Mawa, of the Inter-University Council of East Africa.
“As you go through the pages of this book, remember that a child’s heart is like wet cement: impressions made early in life harden overtime. A parent’s role is to correct and discipline, but let the correction be full of love, encouragement and positive reinforcement. Perchance, when you have run your race and are no more, they will remember you as a solid rock of inspiration” Hon Geraldine Namirembe Bitamazire, former Minister of Education and Sports
This book was launched by Hon. John C. Muyingo, Minister of State for Higher Education at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort Beach on 3rd September 2022
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