Street Kids revel in Life Changing Craft
By Frank Kamuntu
There is no greater joy than passing on life skills. Be content it is a source of forever earning and survival.
It is the gift of giving from Creative Generation Foundation (CGF) that sprouts endless fruits. The Foundation is bent to address the gaps amongst the youth especially the street kids through the following avenues:
1. Youth livelihoods through introducing life skills.
2. Sexual reproductive Health and rights (SRHR)
3. Child protection through access to mothers
The Foundation’s boss Andrew Ndyaguma, shares his motivation for street kids. Andrew fondly named Uncle Andrew by the kids, says the foundation opened its doors in 2019 with a handful of occupants.
A familiar territory to him, Ndyaguma recalls how his own escapades on the streets as a street kid in the early 2000s. As such, he is not short of inspiration.
A devout Christian, Ndyaguma says he had to kick off the process of registering the foundation and secured a center/headquarters for it in Bwaise, a Kampala suburb. The process to welcome the street kids from all corners of the city thus started.
He recalls “In fact, we later had to travel even upcountry to fetch those kids suffering in villages, those not school going, among other life hardships were welcomed to the center to guarantee meaningful careers.
It didn’t take long for the future to begin to unfold adding: some of those kids were able to get scholarships from international donors through the Creative Generation Foundation.

Street Kids
Stay alive with innovation
Uncle Andrew says he couldn’t just sit with these kids at the center. He says his sense of creativity was busy seeking options on how to impact and sustain the kids in his backyard: ‘’So, we immediately started hunting for materials to be used in making those crafts but guess what? these are expensive things and remember we have no funder, we are depending on our little money from our pockets. But I thank God he always provided for us and managed to get some materials,’’ says Uncle Andrew.
Asked about some of the craftworks the kids do, he mentioned necklaces, bangles, wall hangings, decorations, among others.
He says the street kids have been enriched in other life skills like printing t shirts, carpentry, welding which training is done outside the centre since the Foundation does not own equipment.
Uncle Andrew is hopeful donors will take care of that in the near future.

Kampala Street Kids
Covid the eye opener
He says that when COVID swept over the world, the Foundation was not spared. It opened up the thinking not outside the box, but beyond the box to grab survival. Uncle Andrew says “we started thinking of selling those craftworks to get money because those days getting food was a hustle. So even kids started getting serious and realized it was through hard work that they would survive. So that’s how Creative Generation officially started the creative project,’’ says Uncle Andrew.
He further states that when they started making the craft works, they realized the yield was happening “One thing am happy about is that these kids are actually super talented, can you imagine, all the work they do is much appreciated and taken by clients. To tell you the truth for us we work on orders. When we get orders in just days we work and deliver to the clients and that’s a sign that these kids are indeed talented, thanks to Creative Generation Foundation for helping them to know how capable they are,’’ says Uncle Andrew.
Asked how and who exactly enjoys the proceeds from the craft work, Uncle Andrew answered “Our aim is not to make profits but to use our knowledge and life God has given us to lift lives of others. So, we share the little money we get out of these craft works with our kids. And they are comfortable because they also know that the little money, we remain with helps us to get materials they use. We operate in a transparent way,” adds Uncle Andrew.
The gift of giving is a reward for all.
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Also 0414669994, +256 784432133 and email;
About Creative Generation Foundation
VISION; ‘’A Generation of Empowered Capable Young People with Skills & Ability To Influence Change In Society.’’
MISSION: ‘’Nurturing Young People By Building Capacity To Enable Them Live Responsibly Through Skills Empowerment, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights & Child Protection. ‘’