Every day is a new opportunity to improve our wellbeing and lifestyle especially our health habits. Here are a few tips to help you live healthy during the pandemic.
1. Get vaccinated
Vaccination is the only effective way to beat the pandemic. The COVID-19 vaccine is out and it’s an important step to limit it’s spread by simply getting the jab from your nearest health facility. Be proactive, get into a public or private facility and have your safety secured.
2. Get tested
Unfortunately, people with chronic illnesses are more susceptible to COVID-19. What’s your HIV/Aids status? Do you test for coronavirus before travelling? Protect yourself and your loved ones by simply get valid data about your health.
3. Eat healthy foods
Cliché as it is when to come to health, eating a combination of healthy foods can be a great move during the pandemic. Cut sugar and fat foods to a mix of veggies and fruits. This will reduce your risks of being malnourished and ultimately getting COVID-19.
4. Exercise more
Is your body active? Physical activity helps people have healthy weights and lowers the risk of some diseases. During the pandemic, exercise is especially important now because it can reduce stress, prevent weight gain, boost the immune system, and improve sleep.
5. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing
According to WHO, Coronavirus is transmitted through the air. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, infectious agents may be passed on to others through airborne droplets. When you feel a cough or sneeze coming on, make sure you have covered your mouth with a face mask or use a tissue then dispose it carefully. If you do not have a tissue close by when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth as much as possible with the crook (or the inside) of your elbow to protect others and yourself.
6. Continue practicing social distancing
Travelling in crowded places? It is important to stay at least 6 feet away from others when possible, even if you—or they—do not have any symptoms just to be on the safe side. Always physical distance while in crowds or groups.
7. Wear your masks properly
Apart from wearing a clean mask every day, make sure it covers your nose, mouth and chin. When you wear a mask incorrectly, you increase your chances of being exposed to the virus.
8. Wash your hands properly
Hand hygiene is one of the most important things during the pandemic for absolutely everyone. Make sure you always wash your hands with soap and water at least thrice a day.
9. Have regular health checkups
Monitoring our health is limits health crises. It helps you to indentify sicknesses and treat them early saving you from the panic of when they happen. Visit your doctor regularly to have COVID-19 check-ups if you can’t afford the vaccine yet.
10. Stay hydrated
Getting enough healthy fluids in your body is pretty important during the pandemic to limit the spread of coronavirus. Drink lots of water and cut any alcohol consumptions.